Husband Killers revolves around two women who, after discovering they have been deceived by the same man, join forces to exact revenge. As their plan unfolds, they must overcome personal differences and navigate unexpected challenges to carry out their retribution. next up Filed...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies Based On Real Serial Killers 11 Fast Times at Ridgemont High Amy Heckerling 676 votes In the iconic 80s coming-of-age film, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, teenage life is under the microscope. Amidst Southern California's sun-soaked malls and high scho...
they haven’t had them all. In fact, a lot of the more noteworthy movie assassins from more recent times have been women. From stylishly cool action heroines to violent killers viewed through the lens of drama, these are some ruthless women who are not to be messed with. ...
Bree (Martial Law II: Undercover) - Last Edited: 2024-06-17 Vivian (Killers) - Last Edited: 2024-06-17 Rose the Hat (Doctor Sleep) - Last Edited: 2024-06-17 Sadie (Altitude) - Last Edited: 2024-06-17 Maddy Hayes (The Marine 6: Close Quarters) - Last Edited: 2024-06-17 Marisa...
which had just won the elections, they said the most racist things. That migrants posed a big danger, that they were killers, and that they were spreading viruses and parasites. Only 30% of the people wanted to let them in. That was after only a few months of that kind of propaganda....
Focusing on her past in the Black Widow program, a brutal espionage training initiative that took young girls and molded them into elite killers, the movie found her grappling with issues of identity as well as Soviet goons. Becoming the perfect assassin had forced her to close herself off ...
There are witches, werewolves, ghosts, cannibals, and serial killers, among others. The episodes are all long too (running for an hour each), so viewers are unlikely to be left unsatisfied. Those that are skeptical about the quality of old horror shows need not worry either since most ...
Sara’s experience isn’t that different from mine, in some important ways. I spent time in the Ruwenzori mountains — without killers on my trail, to be sure — when I was Sara’s age. And I have a daughter who is also from Sara’s generation. I think the character has some of ...
Brosnahan was cast in her first movie role as Lisa in the Michael Bay-produced horror movie The Unborn (2009) while she was still in high school. During college, she performed in single episodes of TV series such as Gossip Girl (2007), The Good Wife (2009), Grey's Anatomy (2005), ...
She also appeared on various talk/game shows and in films such as The Honeymoon Killers. She was a prominent animal rights activist, too.27 Soleil Moon Frye (Actress, Director and Producer Known for Her Role as ‘Punky’ in the NBC Sitcom ‘Punky Brewster’) Listed In: Film & Theater...