The clitoris is part of the vulva, the name for the external parts of female genitalia. The vagina is the tube connecting the vulva and the cervix. Here is a diagram of a vulva: Stimulation of the clitoris can be applied directly, internally (through the vagina), and/or through stimulat...
This study evaluated public knowledge of external female genital anatomy and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Methods A questionnaire study asked participants for their demographics and to label a female external genitalia diagram and included free-text questions on POP, its symptoms and treatment. ...
Related to External female genitalia:female internal genitalia vul·va (vŭl′və)·vasalsovul·vae(-vē) The external genitals of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. ...
When people talk about the vagina, they're probably referring to the vulva, which the Cleveland Clinic confirms is the umbrella name given to the female (or assigned female at birth's) external genitalia - including the vagina. However, the stats are rather dismal for familiarity and acquaintan...
Please list all external parts of the genitalia - Anus - Cutaneous Bridge ( Tissue between Anus and Dorsal Commissure)- Dorsal Commissure (where Left and Right Labia join together, Towards the Spine)- Left Labia - Right Labia- Ventral Commissure (Where Left and Right Labia join together, towar...
The female sex organs consist of internal and external genitalia and they comprise the female reproductive system. Learn now at Kenhub their anatomy!
Learn about the external parts of the female reproductive system, including female internal and external genital anatomy, and how they work. Updated: 11/21/2023 Female Genital Anatomy The female reproductive system is comprised of both the external genitalia, collectively referred to as the vulva...
External and Internal Genitalia The female external genitalia (vulva) extend from the mons pubis across the introitus (opening of the urethra and vagina) to the perineum. The internal genitalia consist of the uterine corpus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tub
In surgery, understanding the anatomy of the female external genitalia is essential for repairing, reconstructing, and preventing defects. Common procedures involving the female external genitalia include episiotomy, labioplasty, and vaginoplasty.
CONCLUSION: The anatomy and morphologic changes of female external genital organs and urethra were well discernible on FSCE-T1WI. 展开 关键词: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI Anatomy Genitalia Female DOI: 10.13104/jksmrm.2011.15.2.146 年份: 2011 ...