London, Julie Full color 10" x 12" photo of this attractive singer/actress lying in bed on a Sunday morning singing Eensie Beensie Spider to her daughters Stacey and Lisa while their dachsund Patsy lies near the foot of the bed listening. This picture is larger than my scanner bed so th...
Indian Union Muslim League leader and former minister Dr.M.K. Muneer condemned the barbarian practice of cutting female genital parts as part of religious faith. There were media reports that there are few clinics doing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Thiruvananthapuram and Calicut. It is ...
“since i was a little girl, i used to always be the only girl in my group. my family was full of boys. when they needed an extra man to play football, it’d be me filling that space. they didn’t treat me like a sister. they would play with me like i was one of the guys...
“Near Dark”Moviestore/REX/Shutterstock Kathryn Bigelow couldn’t get her revisionist Western funded, so she rode the 1980s vampire wave to make this unique genre hybrid. A gorgeous, gory, and (romantically) gooey film set in a small midwestern town, “Near Dark” is a complicated love ...