review of fitness data from over 85,000 Australian children aged 9–17 years old showed that, compared with 9-year-old females, 9-year-old males were faster over short sprints (9.8%) and 1 mile (16.6%), could jump 9.5% further from a standing start (a test of explosive power), ...
However, because of physical problems, female fitness is worse than that of male after the earthquake affected the PF of the female victims. In this respect, males are less affected. Thus, hypothesis 2 is supported. (6) The performances of victims in the post-disaster reconstruction in PCS...
summed to yield similar fitness payoffs (Galeotti et al.2003; Roulin2004). Alternatively, when selection pressure is weak, different and even unsuitable alternative morphs may co-exist for extended periods due to stochastic effects, such as population perturbation, colonisation, or range expansion (E...
F. et al. Low Demographic Variability in Wild Primate Populations: Fitness Impacts of Variation, Covariation, and Serial Correlation in Vital Rates. Am. Nat. 177, E14–E28 (2011). 6. Weinstein, M. & Lane, M. A. Sociality, Hierarchy, Health: Comparative Demography Advances in Biodemography:...
Parker GA: Models of parent-offspring conflict −5- Effects of the behavior of the 2 parents. Anim Behav. 1985, 33: 519-533. 10.1016/S0003-3472(85)80075-0. Article Google Scholar Fromhage L, Elgar MA, Schneider JM: Faithful without care: the evolution of monogyny. Evolution. 2005...
Predation also affected female LRS (Fig.2d:F2,6 = 21.29;P = 0.002) (note females mated with “non-evolved” tester males). Post-hoct-tests showed that this was because in the male predation treatment female fitness was higher (allP < 0.01), while the other treatments did...
This time, I resolve to cultivate a more empowered relationship to fitness that doesn’t involve using work outs to beat my body into submission. I’d like to see what my body looks and feels like when I exercise from a place of desire rather than compulsion, pleasure instead of fear, ...
Do you want to find blogs that exclusively talk about women’s health, fitness, Women lifestyle blogs, fashion, women empowerment, and so on? This post is exclusively for you then. Whether you’re a woman who just graduated from college and doing a job or a woman over 50, you can use...
Ballew NG, Mittelbach GG, Scribner KT (2017) Fitness consequences of boldness in juvenile and adult largemouth bass. Am Nat 189:396–406 Article PubMed Google Scholar Bates D, Maechler M, Bolker B, Walker S (2014) lme4: linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4, https://cran.r...
The central premise of our proposed solution, that alleles with fitness benefits to one sex can spread in a population despite costs to the other sex, is supported theoretically here and by earlier models21. Our model assumes females are the longer-lived sex. This is true for humans and many...