Clarice Starling is the astute and tenacious FBI trainee in the psychological thriller The Silence of the Lambs, famously brought to life by Jodie Foster. The character was later reprised by Julianne Moore in the film's sequel, Hannibal. Starling is known for her keen intelligence...
Gillian Anderson's portrayal of the brilliant medical doctor and FBI Special Agent in The X-Files made a generation of viewers believe in the importance of reason and scientific method. Her skepticism and dedication to evidence keep her partner Mulder's wild theories grounded, eventually leading to...
Female FBI Agent Alleges HarassmentMichael Isikoff
'Silence of the Lambs' and 'Hannibal' offer the groundwork of the female FBI agent in the rookie figure of Clarice Starling. 'Taking Lives', the first example in a thriller genre post-Clarice Starling, offers an agent, Illeana Scott, who is depicted as the next step, the young career ...
Photo about FBI female agent in cap and with gun at studio against dark brick wall. Image of ballistics, bullet, female - 232626487
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) didn’t like the way a CNBC anchor was interviewing him, so he told her to “calm down,” saying she was mischaracterizing basic facts in her…
扮演FemaleFBIAgent FemaleFBIAgent介绍: 暂无角色介绍 饰演角色 演员名字 吉米·罗根 查宁·塔图姆 饰演角色 演员名字 乔·邦 丹尼尔·克雷格 饰演角色 演员名字 克莱德·罗根 亚当·德赖弗 饰演角色 演员名字 DaytonWhite 塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 查看全部30个角色 ...
During the Mexican Revolution, female soldiers known assoldaderaswent into combat along with the men although they often faced abuse. One of the most well-known of thesoldaderaswas Petra Herrera, who disguised her gender and went by the name “Pedro Herrera”. As Pedro, she established her...
Growing up poor in an apartment in Queens, she entertained fantasies of becoming a ballerina, an FBI agent, a fighter pilot in the Israeli army, an actress, a doctor. The most important person in Abramson’s early life was her grandmother, Fanny Kaprow, a Russian immigrant, organizer for ...
She modestly commented that the only time she’s been excited over any of her hockey games was when one of her teammates scored her very first goal. “I was on a line with her, set her up for the goal,” she mentioned. “I yelled really loud and went out to hug her. That’s th...