The external genitals of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. [Latin,womb, covering; seewel-inIndo-European roots.] vul′val,vul′var(-vər, -vär′),vul′vate′(-vāt′, -vĭt)adj. ...
Diagnostic importance of female external genital structure of Phlebotomine sand flies ( Diptera: Psychodidae ) as observed by scanning electron microscopy. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 92, 57-61.Mukhopadhyay J, Ghosh KN: Diagnostic importance of female external genital structure of Phlebotomine ...
The female external genitalia develop from several default structures, including the genital tubercle, urogenital sinus, urogenital folds, and labioscrotal swellings. In the female body, the genital tubercle differentiates into the glans clitoris and the vestibular bulbs. In the male body, ...
The function of the external female reproductive structures (the genitals) is twofold — to enable sperm to enter the body and to protect the internal genital organs from infectious organisms. External reproductive organs The main external structures of the female reproductive system include: Labia maj...
- genital tubercle > glans of clitors - urogenital folds > labia minora - labioscrotal folds > labia majora without mullerian-inhibiting factor paramesonephric ducts become uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina inner genitalia ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina external genitalia clitoris, labia ...
Female genital mutilation (FGM), also referred to as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘female genital cutting,’ comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs, whether for cultural, religious, or other nontherapeut...
The external genital organs of the female are collectively known as the vulva. The vulva includes mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, hymen and clitoris. Mons pubis is a pad of fatty tissue lying in front of the pubic symphysis. It is covered by pubic hair. ...
The clitoris is part of the vulva, the name for the external parts of female genitalia. The vagina is the tube connecting the vulva and the cervix. Here is a diagram of a vulva: Stimulation of the clitoris can be applied directly, internally (through the vagina), and/or through stimulat...
Unlike male, the female reproductive system is much more complicated. The organs are situated both externally and internally. The external structure is genital, which enables sperm to enter the body and protects the internal organs from infectious organisms. The internal reproductive organs are (i) ...
Whereas the breasts are located far from the other female reproductive organs, they are considered accessory organs of the female reproductive system. The function of the breasts is to supply milk to an infant in a process called lactation. The external features of the breast include a...