Why, in 30 years of gaming have I never encountered a male character getting gelded? Because it's sucky. That's why. Just like goofy rules about "make the girls weaker because they have less upper body strength on average IRL" are sucky....
例如:x:\game\ModOrganizer1.31\mods\FNIS PCEA2 1.3\Meshes\actors\character\animations\FNIS_PCEA2这个文件夹。 会看见0_xp32_New_Anim_Pack、1Bergzore_ImmersiveAnimations直至X4yukl_YY2Hander_maleonly_EquipOnly这13个文件夹。这其中前十个(也就是从0_xxx到9_xxx这10个是在进入游戏里可以运行的动作文件...
Charactering the ZFAND3 gene mapped in the sex-determining locus in hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis Spp.). Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 25471. [CrossRef] 57. Gammerdinger, W.J.; Conte, M.A.; Sandkam, B.A.; Penman, D.J.; Kocher, T.D. Characterization of sex chromosomes in three deeply ...