Eighth Grade is a coming-of-age drama, directed by the comedian Bo Burnham. The film's central character is Kayla Day (Elsie Fisher), a socially awkward eighth-grader trying to navigate the last week of her disastrous middle school experience. Dealing with themes like social media anxiety and...
Thanks to her eponymous television show, Chelsea Lately, people often forget that Chelsea Handler’s career began years ago as a stand-up comedian. In 2007 she became one of the first women to host a late-night talk show on network television, opening the door for future female comics to ...
近日,《脱口秀大会》的一个节目片段在微博上火了一把。 女脱口秀演员杨笠对于“直男自信”的精准吐槽引起了许多网友的共鸣。微博热评称她为“妇女之友”。她的表演也拿下了当场的最高分。CGTN也报道说: A skit on gender discrimination and female stereotypes by comedian Yang Li has found cheers online. 杨笠...
Due to the success ofDead PigsYan was tapped to direct the DC superhero filmBirds of Prey (2020), becoming the first Asian woman to direct a US superhero film. She is now working on a film produced by Chinese-American comedian Ali Wong. Yang Lina /Spring Tide (2019) Born 1972 in Jili...
更一个往期: Comedian Ali Wong talks about acting alongside Keanu Reeves in “Always Be My Maybe,” how her dad inspired her to write “Dear Girls” and the challenges women in stand-up face. Welcome to The Daily Show, Ali Wong.
Due to the success of Dead Pigs Yan was tapped to direct the DC superhero film Birds of Prey (2020), becoming the first Asian woman to direct a US superhero film. She is now working on a film produced by Chinese-American comedian Ali Wong. ...
There are a ton of comedy specials that we can watch on demand, whenever necessary. Here are 11 foolproof doses of the best medicine from funny female comedians.
近日,《脱口秀大会》的一个节目片段在微博上火了一把。 女脱口秀演员杨笠对于“直男自信”的精准吐槽引起了许多网友的共鸣。微博热评称她为“妇女之友”。她的表演也拿下了当场的最高分。CGTN也报道说: A skit on gender discrimination and female stereotypes by comedian Yang Li has found cheers online. 杨笠...