Female Anatomy for Artist.com is the biggest online source of Hi-Res female photo references for artists. You will find here more than 322,000 photos of poses for your artworks.
02_ 女性观(02_ Drawing woman Front View) 03_ 妇女侧视图(03_ Drawing woman Side View) 04_ 画女后视图(04_ Drawing woman Back View) 05_ 解剖与肌肉群(05_ Anatomy and muscle groups) 06_ 绘制躯干的深度(06_ Drawing Torso in depth) ...
02_ 女性观(02_ Drawing woman Front View) 03_ 妇女侧视图(03_ Drawing woman Side View) 04_ 画女后视图(04_ Drawing woman Back View) 05_ 解剖与肌肉群(05_ Anatomy and muscle groups) 06_ 绘制躯干的深度(06_ Drawing Torso in depth) ...
Human Anatomy for Artist.com is the biggest online source of Hi-Res human photo references for artists. You will find here more than 304,000 photos of poses for your artworks.
Anatomy(2000) (akaAnatomie- original German title). A German-made film dubbed into English, where at the climax of the film, Gretchen (Anna Loos) has been dissected, injected with a preservative that "rubberized" her blood and tissues and has been mounted for display. The psychopath responsib...
Video: Female & Male Sexual Anatomy Video: Male Reproductive System Lesson for Kids Video: Seminal Vesicle | Definition, Anatomy & Function Video: Functions & Structures of the Male Reproductive System Video: Epididymis | Definition, Function & Parts Video: The Physiology of Erection & Ejac...
The anatomy of the female external genitalia is vital in clinical settings. The importance of this anatomy comes to the fore with the diagnosis of various diseases and lesions that affect the female genitals. Also, the knowledge of the female genitals is important when it comes to pe...
In accord with another version of the invention there is provided a method of applying a female catheter at the uretheral meatus of the female anatomy for the purpose of enabling a discharge of urine through a urinary tube having proximal and distal ends intercoupling a passage for receiving th...
The zonal anatomy of the ovary is less clearly defined in postmenopausal women than in women of reproductive age. The postmenopausal ovaries are frequently atrophic, and the stroma undergoes increasing fibrous transformation. The fallopian tube and ovary are often referred to collectively as the adnexa...
Collection of a urine specimen can be a cumbersome task. Most often this is due to the design of the specimen collection apparatus. During the collection process patients often unexpectedly soil themselves or do not collect a sufficient amount of urine for testing purposes. Due to anatomy, femal...