). The upper genital organs and the vagina are located in the pelvis , while the vulva is a part of the perineum . These organs participate in several hormonal and mechanical pathways that are responsible for secondarysexual developmentand reproduction. Theuterine cavityis the site of embryonic i...
Automatic Abdominal Palpation Auscultation Simulator Blood Pressure Arm Included US $10-2,500/ Piece Thoracentesis Drainage Model Medical Education Training Simulator Teaching Manikin US $10-500/ Piece Transparent Gastric Lavage Manikin Medical Education Training Model ...
Examination of the abdomen revealed a huge palpable abdominal mass, arising from the suprapubic region up to the level of the umbilicus. The mass was smooth, firm in consistency and dull on percussion. Abdomen was non tender with no peritonism. Perineal examination showed a single opening at th...
Disorders that affect structures near but outside the pelvis, such as the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvis, kidneys, or upper part of the ureters Neurologic and mental health conditions Sometimes, it is difficult for doctors to identify what is causing pelvic pain. ...
If abdominal images are available from a CT examination for a nongynecologic indication, venous-phase images of the pelvic organs may provide useful information ( Fig. 12.4). Fig. 12.4 Axial CT scan of the female pelvis. Venous-phase scan to display anatomical relationships. 1, small-bowel ...
All prawns were euthanized on ice for a minimum of 10–15 min until no movement was detected. The female prawns were bisected along an imaginary line connecting the left and right mandibles, as well as at the cephalothorax-abdominal junction. The anterior portion was dissected to separate th...
Situs inversus totalis is a complete transposition of the thoracic and abdominal organs and represents one of many laterality defects within the heterotaxy spectrum. Here we report a case of a 96-year-old female cadaver with situs inversus. Examination of the respective computed tomography images ...
Terminology. For the female anatomy and especially for structures related to mating and birth we use the terminology established by Lauterbach25 and Pohl46, and the terminology of Hünefeld et al.47 for postabdominal structures of males. References 1. Reinhardt, K., Anthes, N. & Lange, ...
or chemical alteration. The shallow depth of the burial pit relative to the modern cave floor likely resulted in compression and fragmentation of much of the skeleton. Most of the mid-abdominal region of the skeleton is missing, including the caudal aspect of the thorax, lumbar region, and pel...
Though these uterine horns are typically non-functional, 2–7 % of these rudimentary horns will have a functional endometrium and present with cyclic abdominal pain due to the obstruction of outflow [12]. Additional congenital anomalies, particularly of the urologic and skeletal systems, are ...