If abdominal images are available from a CT examination for a nongynecologic indication, venous-phase images of the pelvic organs may provide useful information ( Fig. 12.4). Fig. 12.4 Axial CT scan of the female pelvis. Venous-phase scan to display anatomical relationships. 1, small-bowel ...
Abdominal examination revealed a palpable suprapubic mass arising from the pelvis up to the umbilicus. Perineal examination showed a single opening at the introitus. Ultrasound showed a grossly distended urinary bladder and bilateral mild hydroureteronephrosis. Catheterization of the opening failed to ...
External Female Reproductive Anatomy Information from the history and physical examination often suggests a cause and additional tests that may be needed. A urine or bloodpregnancy testis done in women of childbearing age with a pelvic mass. A pregnancy test is done even if pregnancy is unli...
Abdominal radiographs or ultrasound images should be obtained to look for fetal death, retained placentas or an enlarged uterus. Minimal or subtle changes to the uterus may be evident with imaging. Prompt and aggressive treatment is indicated for queens with metritis. Broad-spectrum antibiotic ...
As part of a multidisciplinary project on(), we made a detailed study, using micro-computed tomography, of the female abdominal terminalia, reproductive system (ovaries, accessory glands, spermatheca, colleterial (= cement) gland, connecting ducts, and ovipositor) and bacteriome, which we present...
Abdominal and pelvic pain is a nonspecific clinical finding in females. The most important role of ultrasound is to exclude or diagnose emergency surgical conditions such as ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, intussusception, or abscesses. From a review of the literature, the following...
Terminology. For the female anatomy and especially for structures related to mating and birth we use the terminology established by Lauterbach25 and Pohl46, and the terminology of Hünefeld et al.47 for postabdominal structures of males. References 1. Reinhardt, K., Anthes, N. & Lange, ...
The vagina can be distinguished from the cervix, and the anatomic display of the closely apposed bladder, vagina, and rectum is clear on axial and coronal images. The ovary is identified; the signal intensity from the ovary depends on the acquisition parameter used. Uterine leiomyoma, ...
or chemical alteration. The shallow depth of the burial pit relative to the modern cave floor likely resulted in compression and fragmentation of much of the skeleton. Most of the mid-abdominal region of the skeleton is missing, including the caudal aspect of the thorax, lumbar region, and pel...
This raises the possibility that imorin released by the female stimulates the VN organ of the male and finally trig- gers the discharge of a courtship pheromone, sodefrin from the abdominal gland by way of the central nervous system. As for this female pheromone, however, the identities of ...