GeoDam-BREACH enables users to rapidly develop simplified dam break inundation zones, perform loss of life assessments, facilitate the efficient development of a consistent Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and maps, and support the goals of FEMA's Risk MAP program by facilitating the creation of non-...
“This is the first spatially complete map of flood damage probability for the United States; wall-to-wall information that can be used to learn more about flood risk in vulnerable, underrepresented communities,” says Ross Meentemeyer, professor of geospatial analytics. To create their computer m...
Pagination Current page1 Page2 Page3 … Next pageNext › Last pageLast » Connect with Region 3 Graphic Coffee Break Webinars Attend a Region 3 “Coffee Break," a one-hour webinar showcasing mitigation best practices and highlighting the work to reduce risk across the region.Reserve a spo...
the fbi would also pay a daily fee for each day it occupied the facility. nowhere was any government agency other than the fbi mentioned—fema kept its fingerprints far from the program. under the crisis relocation plan, nearly 150 million americans—out of the country’s then total populatio...
Producing and Communicating Flood Risk: A Knowledge System Analysis of FEMA Flood Maps in New York City The burgeoning development of coastal cities coupled with increasing exposure to sea level rise and extreme weather events has exacerbated the vulnerability of coastal communities and infrastructure to...
With Irma quite literallyknocking the small island of Barbuda off the map as shared in this new story over at SHTFPlanwhile several nuclear power plants and millions of people now lie in the way of what the mayor of Miami has called 'a nuclear hurricane', astorm that still hasn't slowed...
In some parts of the country, including in non-coastal states, the flood assessment is being compiled for the first time. That's because the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which maps flood risk, lacks the budget and other resources to map every square inch of the country, and inst... alsoordermapsonaCD-ROMbygoingtotheUSGSwebsiteat Forinformationonhowtoaddresstheearthquakehazard,FEMAhas severalpublicationsthatcanhelp.Theyare: •“SeismicConsiderationsforCommunitiesatRisk(FEMA- ...
(NWS)asaTsunamiReadycommunity. ForTsunamiReadycredit,thecommunitymust: •meettheothermappingrequirementsforspecialhazardscredit,and, •haveadoptedatsunamihazardoperationsplanorannexthataddresses actionstotakeafteratsunamiwarning. •CreditPoints=30pointsforobtainingandmaintainingthedesignation asaTsunamiReady...
Graves has also been a leading critic of a FEMA program that has increased federal insurance premiums by making them more accurately reflect the flood risk of each property. Graves first made a name for himself when, as a top Louisiana official, he pushed through a highly content...