fema eventually earned high marks for the nearly $9 billion in aid it plowed into the new york region. in the wake of the attacks, the white house recruited pennsylvania governor tom ridge to launch an office of homeland security, the first step toward the creation of the department of home...
DRF balances may be subject to transfer or rescission, which may carry an additional negative consequence if a large disaster were to take place after the funds have been withdrawn. If this were to happen, another transfer or supplemental appropriation might be needed to address disaster needs; a...
Coastal region flood maps could also be improved by updating current models and using two-dimensional storm surge and wave models. Flood maps are used by FEMA to set flood insurance rates, regulate floodplain development, and inform those who live in the "100-year" floodplain of potential ...
“are a positive step to ensure the preservation of part of Puerto Rican history and above all will strengthen the structures for the safety of those who frequent those spaces,” said Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and