Graphic April Cummings Acting Deputy Regional Administrator Environmental & Historic Preservation Resources FEMA funded projects must undergo Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) review to ensure we protect and preserve our natural and historic resources. These tools help explain the federal enviro...
FEMA’s Regional Administrator, Ahsha Tribble, her former deputy, Jovanda Patterson, and Cobra’s former president Donald Keith Ellison were arrested and face a 15-count indictment alleging crimes including conspiracy to bribe public officials, false statements and fraud. The trio “used Tribble’s ...
For the latest information about Tennessee’s recovery, Follow@FEMARegion4on X or follow FEMA on social media at:FEMA;@FEMAor@FEMAEspanolon X;FEMAorFEMA Espanolon Facebook;@FEMAon Instagram; and viaFEMA YouTube channel. Also, foll...
If a hospital suspects that has happened to an order, the FEMA statement suggested it be reported to their state’s governor. Governors who believe it has happened should report it to the FEMA Region. “If a company decides to cancel on a state contract in favor of federal one, FEMA will...
How did the index start? Former FEMA administratorCraig Fugatehas said he thought up the Waffle House Index while leading Florida's emergency management efforts in 2004. He had been searching for something to eat while surveying the devastation left by Hurricane Charley ...
RegionalAdministrator MajorP.May RecoveryDivision(RCD) JesseMunoz DivisionDirector GaryBruey DeputyDD Ind.Assistance JackieReginello BranchChief PublicAssistance ValerieRhoads BranchChief Declarations CynthiaBelton LongTermComm. Recovery vacant FederalCoordinatingOfficers ...
FEMA-新冠疫情现场指南-全危险突发事件应对与恢复2021.doc,COVID-19大流行业务指南:全危险事件响应和恢复 FEMA 美国联邦应急署 郑州华骏技术公司 联合翻译 中科信大安全与应急研究院 2021年5月 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u Note from the Administrator管理员的手记 2 vervie