the disaster must be presidentially declared. For this to happen, the governor of the affected state or territory must request a disaster declaration from the president of the United States and the president must then declare
As of December 2009, FEMA has responded to more than 2,900 presidentially declared disasters. FEMA has more than 3,700 full time employees and over 4,000 on-call employees available to support disaster field operations. FEMA headquarters are located in Washington, D.C., with ten regional ...
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has selected Fluor to provide recovery services under the Public Assistance Technical Assistance Contracts V (PA TAC V) for their East Zone region. PA TAC V supports FEMA’s distribution of public ...
the agency’s history as a dumping ground for political patronage did little to help its reputation—just as predecessor civil defense agencies had been parking lots for presidential friends and one-time governors, fema had nearly 10 times the normal proportion of political appointees. in the wake...
All of this has contributed uncertainty to the program at all levels and to the concept of disaster mitigation outside of Presidential declarations or the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). An interesting interregnum in the PDM program’s history is its involvement in the debate over ...