Skip to main content. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The new BETA site. And the new BETA site. Work on mobile devices. Take a look today. Landslides and Debris Flow. Winter Storms and Extreme Cold. Apply now for assistance through If...
Skip to main content. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The new BETA site. And the new BETA site. Work on mobile devices. Take a look today. Landslides and Debris Flow. Winter Storms and Extreme Cold. Apply now for assistance through If...
UT Police (Main line). Wireless Emergency Alerts | Campus Safety The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. About the Office of Emergency Management. Building Emergency Preparedness Coordinators. Planning Tools for UT Knoxville ...
is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).1The DRF is the main account used to fund a wide variety of disaster assistance programs that provide grants and other forms of support to assist state, local, and tribal governments, as well as certain nonprofit entities ...
number,includingthecustomernumberwill helpkeepyouraddressupdated. Example: Pleasesendmethefollowing: 1-ArsonControlDirectory;5-0186;FA 113 50-HurricaneSafetyTips;8-1091;L-204 50-EarthquakeSafetyChecklist;2-0007; FEMA046 JaneDoe 123MainStreet
document.webkitHidden : document.hidden; if (isHidden) { document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', visiChangecb); isOnceHidden = true; } }; // 由于在部分ipad上调起地图时,isHidden也为false;但是在visibilitychange事件里有时能得到正确的isHidden,有时也一直为false; // 为了提高准确性,通过...
But Fugate’s main mission, when he’s not staring down hurricanes like Irene, is to preach a different kind of federal preparedness, one he calls the “whole of community” approach. The idea, as he described it most recently during an address on Aug. 16 andcarried on CSPAN, involves ...
1,x=e.daSrc||"",v=e.clickFn||function(){};if(t&&i){var h=navigator.userAgent,y=/MicroMessenger/gi.test(h),b=n.isAndroid()&&y;if(b){var k=g(i);$(t).append(k),f[d]=k,k&&k[0]&&(k[0].addEventListener("click",function(){x&&s.addStat(x),m(d),v&&v()}),w&&(...