Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Institute. EMI Courses and Schedule. Take a Course On Campus. Application Procedures and Forms. EMI Students and Instructors. Information for Students and Instructors. Learn how to apply to our programs. No...
FACT: Camp Grayling, located in northern central Michigan, is the largest National Guard training center in the U.S. The National Guard, active and reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard all train there, practicing everything from helicopter gunnery to processi...
FEMAIS-100.b:IntroductiontoIncidentCommandSystem(ICS) FEMAIS-200.b:ICSforSingleResources FEMAIS-700:NationalIncidentManagementSystem(NIMS)Introduction FEMAIS-800.b:NationalResponseFrameworkIntroduction CPR/AED PM7-3 CERTProgramManager:TrainingandExercises ...