The program to provide shelters for non-citizens has received over $1 billion in funding since its inception two years ago. Its budget nearly doubled from $363.8 million in 2023 to $650 million 2024. There has been no indication that this money earmarked for migrants...
Federal officials sold hundreds of emergency trailers fordisaster victims at fire-sale prices in...Pollock, Richard
All Shelters are Built to Exceed FEMA 320, 361 and ICC 500 Standards Vault Pro modular shelters can be made in virtually any size and configuration. Our modular design shelters are ideal for custom conversions of closets, basements and spare rooms in to fully functioning storm shelter safe ...
homeless shelters, food banks, broadcasting facilities, houses of worship, senior citizen centers, and rehabilitation facilities.45 For-profit businesses are ineligible for PA. However, eligible Applicants may contract for-profit entities to perform PA-eligible work and receive reimbursement through the...
As Shelters Close, Trailer Towns Open for Storm Evacuees ; FEMA Opens the First of Many Such Villages for Those Displaced by Katrina