The designations could force homeowners victimized by flooding during Hurricane Sandy to rebuild according to costly flood-resistant building standards. "My hope is that a lot of properties that were placed in the V-zone don't remain in the V-zone," the contractor says. "We're asked to be...
the Harris County Flood Control District, which includes the city of Houston, found thathalf of the 204,000 homes that floodedwere outside the federal hazard zone. According to FEMA,40% of claimsmade through its National Flood Insurance Program...
The depth shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Zone AO that indicates the depth of water above the highest adjacent grade—the highest point of the ground level immediately next to a building—resulting from a flood that has a 1-percent chance of equaling or exceeding that level in an...
Officials are optimistic that FEMA will revise harbor flood-zone plan ; The agency is reconsidering a high-risk designation that would limit construction.TOM BELL By TOM BELL Staff Writer
from CoreLogic Flood Services before buying a home and property overlooking the river and relocating from Fargo, North Dakota. The certificate said their home in Tecumseh, Missouri was in Flood Zone X, outside of even the 500-year flood plain in the most favorable flood zone designation ...
If you believe your home has been incorrectly included in the Special Flood Hazard Area shown on the newly effective FIRM, FEMA makes available theLetter of Map Amendment (LOMA) process. The LOMA process is used to officially change the zone designation shown on aneffectiveFIRM (not a prelimin...
landuseplanningmeasuresthatcontroldevelopmentand uses. •Requirenewstructurestobebuiltatorabovethetsunamiflood elevation. •Prohibitnewcriticalfacilitiesintsunamihazardareasandadopt tsunamiconstructionrequirements. •Developlocalpublicinformationandeducationprograms. •ReceivetheNOAATsunamiReadydesignation. CRSTsunami...
Local cities join to fight FEMA over flood zoning ; Portland and South Portland hope to change new designations that would put tight limits on pier construction.TOM BELL By TOM BELL Staff Writer