The new analysis could help property owners, municipalities and financial institutions better prepare for future inundation
GIS tools for reducing flood risk Training and technical assistance opportunities National-Level Resources Hazard Mitigation Planning Hazard Mitigation Grants National Risk Index Request Training Review the Hazard Mitigation Course Catalog for information on all of the external training courses currently availab...
FEMA Widens Flood Zones ; More Properties Now Deemed at High RiskBarnes, Jennette
Rivers, of course, are prone to flooding. Derek and Jennifer Christopherson were aware of that risk and purchased a flood certificate from CoreLogic Flood Services before buying a home and property overlooking the river and relocating from Fargo, North Dakota. The certificate said their home in Te...
This page includes links to key indices that measure risk, resilience, and vulnerability, as well as links to resources to help you understand which index to use, when to use it, and for what purpose. Go to the Indices Page Explore the Data Catalog ...
“This is the first spatially complete map of flood damage probability for the United States; wall-to-wall information that can be used to learn more about flood risk in vulnerable, underrepresented communities,” says Ross Meentemeyer, professor of geospatial analytics. ...
FEMA has transferred $1.92 billion of the NFIP’s flood risk to the private sector ahead of the 2024 hurricane season. Congress authorized FEMA to secure reinsurance through the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, and the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014. ...
Kopf, Aleese
which attempted to pull the nation’s economy out of an inflationary spiral. under orders to deliver a monitoring network in just a week, turoff developed a system in just four days that came to be known as the emergency management information system and reference index—with the inevitable acr...
→ National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) → Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (EMMIE) → Non-Disaster Grants system (ND-Grants) → Assistance to Firefighters Grant system (AFG) → Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Flood Mitigation Assistance systems (MT eGrants) ...