21st Century FEMA Study Course: Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management and Operations (IS-775) - NIMS, ICS, MAC Group, Joint Information System (JIS), Coordination
Exceptionforindividualswhoconductonlyoneortwounits;shouldbebriefedonCERT,CERTBasicTraining,andhowunittheyareteachingfitsintocourse PM7-2 CERTProgramManager:TrainingandExercises 7-* RecommendedTraining WhattrainingcoursesarerecommendedforCERTmembers? FEMAIS-100.b:IntroductiontoIncidentCommandSystem(ICS) ...
21st Century FEMA Study Course: - Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100, National Incident Management System (NIMS), Command and Management (IS-100.b)
21st Century FEMA Study Course: Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS 100) for Food and Drug Administration (IS-100.FDA)