Large Piece Modular Shelters Fully Configurable Custom Design Small Piece Modular Shelters Can be made to fit in a closet Custom Size Vault Rooms We Ship EverywhereCLICK FOR FREE QUOTE Modular Shelter Pricing NEW! THE DEFENDERWalk-In Vault Room and Emergency Storm Shelter Combination Click on ...
Federal officials sold hundreds of emergency trailers fordisaster victims at fire-sale prices in...Pollock, Richard
facility.73 For example, fol owing severe storms in Milwaukee, WI, the city determined that the public would be better served by reconfiguring the water distribution system rather than repairing a disaster-damaged pumping station; FEMA approved the alternate project and obligated funds equivalent to ...
As Shelters Close, Trailer Towns Open for Storm Evacuees ; FEMA Opens the First of Many Such Villages for Those Displaced by Katrina