Feline calicivirus (FCV)is acommon virus that usually causesupper respiratory infectionsin cats, causing sneezing, runny nose and eyes, and sometimes painful sores inside the mouth or even sudden lameness. Upper respiratory issues occur fairly commonly in cats and are often caused byinfectious disease...
Upper respiratory infections (URI's) are extremely common in cats. According to Cheryl Yuill, DVM, of VCA Hospitals, the felineherpes virus type-1 causes Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), and is a major cause of upper respiratory disease in cats. It's also the most common cause of con...
your veterinarian may run PCR testing, which is accomplished by swabbing the mouth, nose, or eyes. It's possible that because the viral infection is so often the cause of feline upper respiratory inflammation, your veterinarian will make a diagnosis...
Figure 2. Age distribution of the cats: grey: FeLV-negative cats (left axis), black: FeLV-positive cats (Friigguhrteax2i.sA).gCeadtsisatrgibedutfiroonmofotnheetcoastsix: gyreaayr:sFweLerVe-nsieggnaitfiivcaenctalytsm(leofrteafxreisq)u, benlatclyk:FFeeLLVV-p-poossitiitviveethcaatns...