All IR cats showed poor recovery from AKI, as determined by the serum levels of creatinine (Cre) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (Supplementary Fig. 3a). Immunoblotting of sera from mice with AKI in non-reducing conditions shows substantially increased amounts of IgM-free AIM (<40 kDa...
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.1-2.2 69 28 3 0.4-2.8 36 BUN (mg/dL) 18-33 56 31 14 10-58 36 Glucose (mg/dL) 63-118 0 47 53 63-381 36 Total protein (g/dL) 6.6-8.4 31 28 42 4.1-11.9 36 Albumin (g/dL) 2.2-4.6 50 50 0 0.9-3.6 36 Globulin (g/dL) 2.8-5.4 3 42 56 2.5-9....
More specifically, female cats presented no clinically relevant increases of markers of renal (blood urea nitrogen [BUN], creatinine, symmetric dimethylarginine [SDMA]), liver (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST]), or skeletal muscle (creatine kinase) damage throughout the...
BUNandcreatinine 可以通过尿素氮和肌酐增长3倍或者更高来预测 H2Oandelectrolyte imbalances 水和电解质失衡 Dehydration脱水 Hypo/hyperkalemia低/高钾血症 Hyperphosphatemia高磷酸盐血症 Metabolicacidosis代谢性酸中毒 Neurologicsigns神经症状 CNS:lethargy,seizures ...
BUN 15 mg/dL (18-33 mg/dL) Creatinine 1.2 mg/dL (1.1-2.2 mg/dL) Glucose 169 mg/dL (63-118 mg/dL) Total protein 7.0 g/dL (6.6-8.4 g/dL) Albumin 2.6 g/dL (2.2-4.6 g/dL) Globulin 4.4 g/dL (2.8-5.4 g/dL) ALT 72 U/L (27-101 U/L), AST 121 U/L (17-58 U/L)...