Feline Body Condition Score for 1–9 and 1–5 Scalesdoi:10.1002/9781118704738.app14Feline body condition scoreSummary This chapter contains sections titled: ReferencesMelinda D. Merck DVMJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
doi:10.22456/1679-9216.84351Renée Cristine Carvalho BarbosaCamila Flávia Magalhes BotelhoRaquel Sampaio AlvesHeloisa Justen Moreira de SouzaUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
There is also evidence that cytokines, including TNF alpha, IL-1, and IL-6, could play a role in these metabolic alterations.Kathryn E. Michel2008 ACVIM Forum proceedings: June 4-7, 2008, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX...
Complete remission was defined as (1) a body condition score of ≥4/9 [20], (2) normothermia, (3) the absence of any clinical signs of FIP [21,22], (4) a modified Karnofsky’s score of at least 90%, and (5) the normalization of laboratory parameters typically altered in FIP ...
Items 2a, 3, 4, 5, 6, Condition of Cage Score (from Data Card), and Food Score (from Data Card) added up to total the Valiance score. Items 1, 2b, 3, 6, 7, 8, Body Posture Score (from the Data Card), and Social Response Score (from the Data Card) added up to total the...