In this context, we propose a new ultralightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol based on the Feistel cipher structure. This structure is based on substitutions and random permutations which create confusion and diffusion in the transmitted messages. The main contribution of this work is the ...
Feistel cipher is also called Luby-Rackoff block cipher, which is used to construct a symmetric structure of block encryption algorithm. It was invented by the German cryptographer Horst Feistel while working at IBM. Feistel cipher is also called Feistel network. Many block encryption algorithms are...
Feistel Cipher structure is the reference structure for designing block- ciphers. In this paper we have proposed three variants to feistel structure to enhance the security of the data. The three constructive variants includes new design structure (The features of the derived structure includes 256 ...
In this context, we propose a new ultralightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol based on the Feistel cipher structure. This structure is based on substitutions and random permutations which create confusion and diffusion in the transmitted messages. The main contribution of this work is the ...
The Feistel structure demonstrates the implementation processes of confusion and diffusion and is based on the Shannon structure that was first described in 1945. Using a substitution method, confusion creates a complex relationship between the encryption key and the ciphertext. But diffusion uses a ...
In this paper, we propose a new lightweight block cipher called SCENERY. The main purpose of SCENERY design applies to hardware and software platforms. SCENERY is a 64-bit block cipher supporting 80-bit keys, and its data processing consists of 28 rounds. The round function of SCENERY consist...
In this paper, we study the security of the Key-Alternating Feistel (KAF) ciphers, a class of key alternating ciphers with the Feistel structure, where each round of the cipher is instantiated withn-bit public round permutation, namely thei-th round of the cipher maps ...
改进的Type-I I型广义Feistel结构的 量子密码分析 李艳俊易子除汪振 北京电子科技学院,北京市100070 摘要:广义F e i s t e l结构(G e n e r a l i z e d F e i s t e l S t r u c t u r e,GFS)的一种流行版本称为T y p e-I I型 GFS,它将明文划分为k>2个子块,并对每两...
AESdoesnotdiminishtheappealoftheFeistelstructure.Onthecontrary,itinspiredmanyresearcherstodesign newblockciphersandhashfunctions.ManynewsymmetricalgorithmsutilizetheFeistelstructureonthewhole, 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(61272476,61202422) 收稿日期:2014-05-19定稿日期:2014-06-04 288JournalofCryptologicResearch密码...