与fein相关的其他缩写或术语 与FEIN相关的其他缩写或术语包括SSN(Social Security Number,社会安全号码)和ITIN(Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,个人报税识别号码)。SSN是美国联邦政府发给本国公民、永久居民、临时非移民居民的一组九位数字号码,用于个人报税、开银行账户、享受联邦...
FEIN( Federal Employer Identification Number) FEIN和EIN其实是一样的。一个是Employer Identification Number的缩写,一个是Federal Employer Identification Number的缩写。其他没什么区别。你在申请一些东西的时候,资料让写FEIN的话,你就填写EIN就好了。 TIN(Taxpayer ID Number 纳税人身份证号码) 是由美国国税局IRS或...
An FEIN is a type of taxpayer identification number (TIN) most (but not all!) businesses use. Other examples of taxpayer identification numbers include Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs). The FEIN number is a unique, nine-digit number that iden...
This unique identifiercan be obtained onlineby any business owner with a valid taxpayer ID number. Simply go to IRS.gov, click File, select Business & Self-Employed and follow the instructions on the EIN page. Verify a Company's FEIN As a business owner, it's important tomake sure you'r...