**Title: Feign (noun)** **1. Part of Speech and Explanation** “Feign” as a noun refers to the act or instance of pretending or faking. It comes from the verb “feign” which means to give a false appearance of. When used as a noun, it describes the pretense itself. **2. Mea...
The meaning of FEIGN is to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression. How to use feign in a sentence. The Shape of the History of Feign Synonym Discussion of Feign.
The meaning of FEIGN is to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression. How to use feign in a sentence. The Shape of the History of Feign Synonym Discussion of Feign.
A:to fake, pretend, act 查看更多回答 Q:feignnervousness是什麼意思 A:To pretend to be nervous 查看更多回答 Q:feign是什麼意思 A:To fake. If someone were very smart but acted as if they weren't, you would say that "Theyfeignedignorance." ...
noun Dissimulation; deception; falsehood. To invent or imagine; utter, relate, or represent falsely or deceitfully. To make a false appearance of; counterfeit; simulate; pretend: as, to feign death. To dissemble; disguise; conceal. Reflexively, to show a sudden weakness; become weak or faint...
a.To give a false appearance of:feign sleep. b.To represent falsely; pretend to:feign authorship of a novel. 2.To imitate so as to deceive:feign another's voice. 3.To fabricate:feigned an excuse. 4.ArchaicTo invent or imagine.
1300 as adjective ("deceitful," also "enfeebled; lacking in courage;" see feint (v.)), but long obsolete in that sense except as a trade spelling of faint among stationers and paper-makers. Also as a noun in Middle English with senses "false-heartedness" (early 14c.), "bodily weakness...
1.Then create a new interface in your demo package called “DemoClient” and annotate this class with @FeignClient annotation. Next, we have to provide the method signature that will be implemented by Feign and here we do not need to mention @ResponseBody annotation as this is implied. The...
↔ In the old western style, furniture was seen as ornament that displayed the wealth of its owner and the value of the piece was established according to the length of time spent creating it. 裝瘋賣傻+ 添加翻译 中文-英文字典 deaf adjective verb noun dumb or processed English ...
Thanatosis—also known as death-feigning and, we argue more appropriately, tonic immobility (TI)—is an under-reported but fascinating anti-preda