Carbon K-edge and fluorine K-edge NEXAFS spectra of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) have been calculated using FEFF8 to determine how changing the helical structure of the PTFE chains affects the NEXAFS spectra. Specific structural parameters varied in the calculations included unwinding the helix,...
There are extensive tests for Feff8L in thetestsdirectory. To run these, you will needLarch Example programs using the fortran entry point to the stand-alone F_eff calculations or programs using the C wrapper can be found in thewrappers/directory. There you will also find language bindings ...
oleavr committed Jul 28, 2019 1 parent 98c08a6 commit 35feff8 Showing 3 changed files with 265 additions and 224 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified .babelrc package-lock.json package.json 18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions 18 .babelrc Load diff This file was deleted...
8 KVL 23.8英寸电脑显示器 1080P 低蓝光 广色域 微边框纤薄机身 可壁挂 台式电脑显示屏 KV246 ¥已有20000人评论 产品整体性价比非常高,日常办公使用绰绰有余,分辨率和刷新率也够用! TOP 9 创维23.8英寸 办公显示器 IPS FHD 100Hz 硬件低蓝光 广色域 高清HDMI 电脑显示屏 F24B23F ...
意外穿越到全职猎人的世界,莫罗只想自由的享受当下。但这种想法只持续到幻影旅团上门的那一刻。他死了。再度睁眼时,带着「死亡烙印」和被「年轮」记录下来的升级能力,重生到了一年前刚穿越过来的时候。他意识到了力量的重要性,但现在,他唯一要考虑的,就是解决死亡重生后的代价…… ...
近些年,除了大家耳熟能详的“985”“211”大学外,“中外合办大学”在国内的热度逐年上升,受到越来越多学生和家长的追捧。 中外合办大学是指中国教育机构与外国教育机构合作办学的大学,内地与港澳台地区合作办学包含在内,具独立法人资格。 据统计,中外合...
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