, and pet dander, tells self. during an asthma attack, she says, “it feels like someone or something is sitting on my chest and constricting my lungs so i can only breathe in partway. it can feel like i'm breathing through a squished straw.” sometimes she experiences feelings of ...
I was at a water park with some friends and we were in a wave pool. I was sitting in an inner tube when someone (don't know who, but it wasn't one of my friends) flipped my inner tube over. I went underwater, but I wasn't panicking because all I needed to do was kick up...
My readers mostly vegetarians would not like it here so would suggest to avoid staying across the beach. But the youth will like it here and can spend a night or so. Waiting for the night to become lazy and help me go to sleep. Till then Good Night! Posted in Uncategorized Kerala ...
Deep breathing is a great way to “trick” your body into calming down. You can also try lying down on your back, placing your hands across your torso. As your chest rises and falls, you’ll begin slowing your breath, bringing your mind into a calm state. 12 More Tips for Calming Do...
d pulled over because Anthony perilouslyclose tohitting another car so intent rememberperfectly firsttime heldthecool steel myhands weaponlike addictiveabout I’veseen womenovercome nothingglamorous about something cankill fingerthough lazy“What kind Anthonyasks glancing gunsitting hislap SmithWesson ...