You can keep track of all these feeling words with ouremotions word listand test your skills with ouremotions quiz!
Again, it’s up to you whether you’d like to share your feelings, given that the context is appropriate and non-offensive for you or the audience. If you want to do as the locals do, then talk about your emotions roundaboutly. Here’s how you can do that. Share feelings of love ...
Below, you’ll find JMA’s comprehensive list of over 850 words for feelings — including emotions, moods and physical sensations (somatic states). It’s a great tool for learning, reference or exploration. In a Word Many of us do not differentiate our feelings very much. We use limited w...
Emotionscan be both powerful and complicated. Everyone has moments when they just can't come up with the right word to describe what they're feeling or trying to say. Youmight be angryand start sputtering. You may feel so overwhelmed that you are speechless. The words are there—you just ...
It can be difficult to find the right word to describe someone’s feelings or emotions. Here are some adjectives to help you describe feelings & emotions. List of Adjectives to Describe Feelings and Emotions Admiring Affectionate Aggravated
“Stay is a charming word in a friend’s vocabulary.” ―Amos Bronson Alcott, Concord Days Wanted to share some inspirational quotes with you. Today seemed like a good time to do this. There are an estimated 100,000 words in the English language that are feelings related. Some emotions ar...
Feelings and Emotions Flash Cards: Emotion Word Cards– These emotion picture word cards are great for non-verbal children who know how to read. Printable Emotion Flashcards– I like the LEGO mini figure faces options for these emotions flashcards. Usingfree printable emotion facesis great, espec...
C. Whether humans' feelings are shown in their facial expressions Facial expressions were rated by English speakers in Indi a by selecting D. Whether different cultures differ in people's expressing themselves.applicable emotions from a list of 31 labels, resulting in a total of 16 distinct What...
Emotions: Spelling Word QuestionsUse the list of emotion spelling words to answer simple questions. Words: shy, sad, happy, angry, worried, sorry, lonely, disappointed, proud, bored, shocked. Or go to the answers. Finish the SentenceFinish the sentence and illustrate it - U. The sentence st...
That’s a pretty long list of feeling words—what made you choose this word? Student: Well, I knew we were about to write poetry. I’ve written poetry before, so I know that my best poems usually come from my miserable side. How do you think this activity will help you as a writer...