Getthe three-part kids' feelings chart here. 3. BrainFrame Emotion Wheel for Older Kids BrainFrame is an emotion wheel designed for older kids. It's the perfect way to help your child better understand and manage their emotions in a fun, interactive way!
Looking for games to use in play therapy? Read myDirective Group Play Therapybook and TheFeelings Wheel Game VIDEOS I produced videos for parents and play therapists who need techniques for ADHD, high functioning ASD, and angry kids EFFECTIVE PARENTING UsemySmiley Systemto reinforce discipline and ...
The Emotion Behavior Wheel is my attempt to create a social-emotional learning (SEL) resource that helps to grow our awareness about how inner experience and outer action are linked. The hope is to provide a resource for helping counselors, teachers, social workers, and others to help students...
Color Wheel of Emotions Social Emotional Check-In Worksheets Health and Wellness Activities Social and Emotional Learning Activities Create an Understanding Feelings Worksheet How to Make an Understanding Feelings and Emotions Worksheet 1 Choose One of the Premade Templates ...
Feelings Wheel Dr. Gloria Willcox’sFeelings Wheel Emotion Journal Control This worksheet distinguishes between things you have control over and things you don’t have control over. It encourages you to focus more on the things you have control over and less on the things you don’t. ...
(zwar leicht ironisch gefärbte, doch) durch und durch positive Utopie schildert: »Welcome to Nellyville, where all newborns get a half-a- mill'/Sons, get the tan DeVille, soon as they can reach the wheel/And daughters, get diamonds the size of their age – help me out now/One ...