Pre-K students love to match their own emotions with the pictures on this emoji chart. Best printed on legal sized paper. PreK-2nd Classroom Management Inside OutFeelingPoster Created by Kelly Lynn use this as a social emotionalfeelingcheck in ...
Photo feelings chart for older kidsEmoji feelings chart for young children Sometimes kids don't completely understand their emotions or can't express their emotions properly, as in the case of like autism spectrum disorder. In this case, having a feelings chart printable can be helpful. Since al...
This cute feelings chart can be used in many ways! Students can show you how they are feeling, students can write about their feelings and use this chart as a reference, students can use this to write about a character's feelings in a story they are writ
Explain to your kids why you’re happy or sad and how you feel. This will help them learn to express their feelings healthily. Use our visual Emoji Emotions Chart to explain sentiments in concrete terms. It will show them how to articulate their feelings healthily and simplify complex ...
I was curious how my students' perceptions of their social/emotional skills would compare to how I thought they had done for the trimester, so I made these quick check-in slips. You can edit them to reflect your social/emotional areas on your report card. Students circle the emoji that ma...
Emoji Feelings poster for Spanish Class Created by Rachel Centeno This poster is an amazing asset to your classroom. As you are teaching feelings hang this poster in your room so that your students can use them as a reference. If the vocabulary has not be taught as of yet, the students ...
Emoji Emotion Faces Clipart Basic Pack 2 (Heart)Email: Enjoy and be happy :). TERMS OF USE: This resource is for limited educational and commercial use. Please make sure the images are flattened and/or protected. You can use i PreK - 12th, Adult Education, ...