待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 null 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 **感觉lightheaded或晕眩 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 • 感到头晕或头昏眼花 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 • 感觉头晕或眩晕 匿名 2013-05-23...
Amir Shaban, MDanswered this Lightheaded And Dizzy. What Could It Be? Read more New ReplyFollowNew Topic Guestover a year ago For three weeks I had been feeling very dizzy all the time. My doctor sent me for a blood test to see if I was anemic but I am not. The dizziness is const...
Feeling dizzy, weak, tired, nauseous and heartbeat while lyi Weird Feeling After Shower Sex feeling hot, dizzy and lightheaded after smoking dizzy after eating Dizzy after smoking? headaches, stomach aches, body pains, dizzy, tired, weak
Feeling dizzy can be very uncomfortable. Symptoms include feeling like: Everything around you is moving or spinning and you’re not. You’re lightheaded and going to faint. You can’t keep your balance. You're a little confused or foggy. ...
Vertigo:A feeling of movement, either themselves or the surroundings around, often associated withnausea,vomiting, sweating, and visual disturbances. Circulatory problems: What Is a Balance Disorder? A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy, as if you are moving, sp...
Feeling tired of waiting for a lift for so long because you don’t want to take stairs Or even feeling so exhausted that you wished for a(n) ___ when you could just lie down on the bed all day and not worry about work or studiesMy name is Beena, and my story begins from here...
My chest hurt, I was dizzy, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything went blurry around the edges. Sure I was about to faint, I jerked up from my desk and ran from the room, terrified. I didn't care what the teacher thought, or that the eyes of the entire class were on...
My chest hurt, I was dizzy, an d I felt like I couldn't breathe.Everything went blurry aroun d the edges. Sure I was about to faint, I jerke d up from my desk an d ran from the room, terrified. I didn't care what the teacher thought, or that the eyes of the entire cl...
feeling faint GIDDY Synonyms faint fainting affected with vertigo vertiginous reeling whirling swimming giddy dizzy lightheaded Antonyms steady stationary steady on one's feet
a性生活是否适度,可用交往次日的感觉作为判断标准。如果双方不觉疲劳,而感到情神饱满,工作有劲,这就表明性生活适度。倘若出现精种不振、头重脚轻、食欲下降,头昏心慌等现象,则说明有些过度,应加节制。有少数性欲旺盛的夫妇,向来交往频繁,而双方仍心神爽快、精力充沛,也应该认为是适当的 The sex life is whether ...