This situation occurs after an invasion of external Wind when interior Heat is generated but the exterior Cold is still there; thus exterior Cold and interior Heat coexist. This pattern is not common. Long-lasting invasion of Wind-Heat Aversion to cold, fever, sweating, hot dorsum of the hand...
"Monday morning feeling" could be the very crushing pain in the chest ___1___ leaves you sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings. A study of 11,000 participants proved 8 am on a Monday morning...
a person who is cold sensitive or intolerant may be dressed with heavy warm clothing even on a hot day. These measures can be dangerous as a person may become overheated and this could even lead to death, particularly
Ginger is also a beneficial food in this situation. Studies have shown that this also boosts the immune system and it even supports healthy sweating. When the body sweats regularly, it helps lower the overall temperature. Just like with garlic, brew a hot cup of ginger tea by steeping some ...