Try putting your knife and fork down after each mouthful and don't pick them up again until full chewing has taken place; * Don't overeat. Aim to stop before you feel full; * Leave around three hours between meals so that food has been fully digested before you start again. A lot ...
–I was depressed, at one night thought: “I wish my cat was dead so I could leave too.” Next day the cat stopped eating and did not eat for 3-4 weeks after. I finally went to the vet, she often does not improve from going to the vet because it scares her so badly. I spoke...
And with that I see another pattern: whenever I get my mojo back it comes back in such an overwhelming way that I want to DO EVERYTHING and end up doing nothing because I can not decide and I can not settle. There is a saying in Dutch and it says ‘With you it is either running...