One day, I was in class, feeling fine, when all of a sudden my heart started racing. I broke out in a sweat, feeling hot and cold all over. My chest hurt, I was dizzy, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything went blurry around the edges. Sure I was about to faint, ...
My chest hurt, I was dizzy, an d I felt like I couldn't breathe.Everything went blurry aroun d the edges. Sure I was about to faint, I jerke d up from my desk an d ran from the room, terrified. I didn't care what the teacher thought, or that the eyes of the entire cl...
For the past 6 months or so my boyfriend has been feeling very weak, dizzy and faint after he ejaculates from having sex, he complains of an almost out of body experience. It seems to be more of a problem if he does all the "work" and gets exhausted. He doesnt have any other sexu...
pass the time 打发时间;消磨时光 pass up 向上推;拒绝;放弃 He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就昏倒了。 She suffered from a disease that caused her to pass out at school.她患了一种病...
Feeling dizzy can be very uncomfortable. Symptoms include feeling like: Everything around you is moving or spinning and you’re not. You’re lightheaded and going to faint. You can’t keep your balance. You're a little confused or foggy. ...
dia-|||-gnosed诊断.根据前面的"I went to a doctor's cl-|||-inic"可知,我去看医生, "我被诊断 (diagnosed)-|||-为患有吉兰-巴雷综合征",故选D .-|||-10.C .考查形容词辨析.A.faint微弱的;-|||-B. dizzy头晕目眩的;C. tough艰难的 ; D. d-|||-oubtful怀疑的.根据空后的"while I...
faint B . dizzy C . tough ful A . survi B . follo C . negle D . ident【小题11 】ved wed cted,ified A . scrat B . aller C . bruis D . scrap【小题12】ches gies es es A . short B . influ C . paral D . linke【小题13】ened enced yzed1d A . ther a B . extre ...
During a panic attack, the heart will pound and one wouldfeelweak, faint,ordizzy. 恐慌症: 恐慌時會心跳加速,患者會感到虛弱、昏厥或暈眩。 Wefeelthat theDizzyGillespie watch was appropriate for this very special occasion. ...
5、He fell to the ground in a dead faint. 他跌倒在地,昏死过去。 pass out 昏迷,失去知觉,*(警校、军校学员)毕业 【课文定位】She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and was rushed to hospital. He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out. 他感到恶心、眩晕,然后就昏了过去。 Maybe yo...
I have been having what I call "attacks" of this for over a year. At first I feel a bit nauseated and dizzy. I'll go lay down. After a while, my stomach, sometimes upper, sometimes lower, will begin to cramp and all of the sudden, I feel this heat-like sensation in my abdomen...