Goodbye information overload. Keep up with the topic and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Feedly offers you the cure to information in three eas…
Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Goodbye information overload. Keep up with the topic and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Feedly offers you the cure to information in three easy steps: 1/ Find and organize the right sources in one place: leading newspaper...
Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description STAY AHEAD WITHOUT THE OVERWHELM Feedly helps you keep up with the topics and trends that matter—without information overload. You will need a Feedly account to use this application. You can sign up within the application, or log...
Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Goodbye information overload. Keep up with the topic and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Feedly offers you the cure to information in three easy steps: 1/ Find and organize the right sources in one place: leading newspaper...
The fixed app is now ready. You can update it directly in the App Store [33.0.4] April 6th [submitted for review] We’ve fixed the issue and submitted the app for review. It should be available for update within 7-10 days.
为你要测试的 App 轻点“接受”。 在Apple TV上打开 TestFlight。你必须使用与设备上所用相同的App Store账户登录。 安装你要测试的 App。 通过电子邮件或公开链接邀请安装 Beta 版 visionOS App 在设备上,打开电子邮件邀请并轻触“在 TestFlight 中查看”,或轻触公开链接。
苹果下载ios app: GooglePlay下载安卓版: Chrome插件: ...
苹果下载ios app: GooglePlay下载安卓版: Chrome插件: ...
Vanaf nu, krijg een volledige schermervaring van je app met toetsenbord en muis. MEmu biedt je alle verrassende functies die je verwachtte: snelle installatie en eenvoudige configuratie, intuïtieve besturing, geen beperkingen meer van batterij, mobiele data en storende oproepen. De gl...
再看这些 app 各自的表现。Feedly 的 app 给我的第一印象是似乎非常想抹掉自己「RSS 阅读器」的帽子,默认布局更像是 Flipboard 这样的聚合阅读器——卡片式、突出图片的设计——而不是经典的文章列表;实际上,这个 app 在 App Store 中的副标题也正是「智能新闻阅读器」,而对 RSS 这个较为小众的概念只字未提...