A retrospective analysis found that of 148 mothers who received the drug, all infants were breastfed and none of the infants had an adverse reaction, such as drowsiness, difficulty breastfeeding or breathing problems.[10] The relatively low dose and short duration of therapy may have reduced ...
Infants were weighed before and after each feeding on the fifth day of maternal therapy to determine the amount of milk ingested. On the day of the test weighing, infants' milk intake averaged 388 mL, and the fluid and caloric intake was considered adequate.[12] This study cannot be ...
Breastfeeding and complementary food: randomized trial of community doula home visiting. Pediatrics. 2013;132(132)(suppl 2):S160-S166.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 40. Elliott-Rudder M, Pilotto L, McIntyre E, Ramanathan S. Motivational interviewing improves exclusive breastfeeding in an Australian...
When mom feels baby just isn’t getting satisfied at the breast, sometimes she will be tempted to offer a bottle of formula, which, of course, baby will probably take, and then fall asleep for about 4 hours, like a “food coma.” This may look like a satisfied baby, but it’s ...
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Fewtrell reported receiving research funding from Philips outside the submitted work; being clinical lead for nutrition with the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health; and being a member of the infant nutrition working group through the European Food Safety ...
Lac-Phe stood out as one of the metabolites with the most significant response to food intake. In all 90 cases, a post-prandial increase in Lac-Phe levels was observed, with an average increase of 186% 1 h after meal consumption (Fig. 3c). Given that volunteers were sampled on three...
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has emerged a promising therapy for dysbiosis-driven diseases [1], and strategies to restore gut microbiota homeostasis may have potential to alleviate these conditions. It has also been reported that transferring the microbiota of inflamed individuals to wild-type...
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk (and medications, oral rehydration salts and vitamins as needed) with no additional food or drink for their first six months of life—is one of the most effective strategies for preventing ch
coli carriage can be seen as early as 10 weeks after the first introduction of solid food. Antibacterial therapy might be expected to select for carriage of resistant E. coli, and we cannot entirely exclude the possibility that a few study dogs received antibacterials prior to sampling. However...
Among these types of child diarrhoea, mothers identified only one ("infection") with hygiene and the germ disease concept, and perceived it as treatable through drug therapy. Interviews with mothers and local health personnel demonstrated a lack of integration of these beliefs within the local ...