In this paper, we adopt the Philippines as a case study to illustrate the continuing battle for worldwide Code implementation. We chose the Philippines because of its early and comprehensive implementation of The Code, consolidated and well-established baby food industry, its active civil society an...
Effectiveness of peer counseling and membership in breastfeeding support groups in promoting optimal breastfeeding behaviors in the Philippines Article Open access 12 July 2021 “If I have money, I cannot allow my baby to breastfeed only …” barriers and facilitators to scale-up of peer counse...
This paper describes the social economic and health contexts of childrearing among the Igorot women of a mountainous village in northern Philippines and the extent to which modernization has affected the womens infant feeding practices and attitudes toward breastfeeding and weaning. Data for the study...
Access to comprehensive maternity protection could contribute to improved breastfeeding practices for working women. Domestic workers are a vulnerable group. This study aimed to explore perceptions of and accessibility to maternity protection among domes
The limitations of this review include that it assesses the potential effects ofMoringaas a dietary supplement during pregnancy and the postpartum period. All the trials included in this review were conducted in South East Asia (Indonesia and the Philippines). The populations in this geographical re...