In fact, if there are snail infections, then it is a good idea to put in loaches there to get the infection cleared off. Umbrella cichlids, female swordtail fish, rubber lip pleco are some of the other fish that can be put in the tank along with the loaches.Goldfishesare ideal mates ...
I don't remember her being like this last spring, but the winter was particularly cold this past year. Also, she is not eating her carrots, kale, lettuce, etc--just the mins. Do I have a tricky turtle on my hands who is trying to retrain her owner to feed her only what she wants?
Most ornamental pond fish are members of the Koi or Goldfish family. It is widely known in the Pond Industry around the world that members of this species should not eat when water temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or approximately 10 degrees Celsius. If the fish are fed when the...