1 Feeding America network members serve this areaLocator, Food BankSherrill, Lisa
To keep pace with demands during a time of crisis, the food bank relies on data from Feeding America’s service insights platform to track areas and indicators of increased need. “Data plays a huge role for us,” said Lindsay Hendrix, Chief Impact Officer at Second Harvest Food...
William Ashworth. 2007. Ogallala blue: Water and life on the Great Plains. Countryman Press, pp. 330; Sophocleous, M. 2012. Conserving and extending the useful life of the largest aquifer in North America: the future of the High Plains/Ogallala aquifer. Ground Water, 50, 831–839. 61....
Trait-based approaches usingmacroinvertebratecommunities have been used frequently in Europe (Charvet et al., 2000; Bonada et al., 2007; Dolédec et al., 2006; Statzner and Bêche, 2010; Dolédec et al., 2011), but are less common in North America, with most U.S. research focused on...
Some other regions of the world are also expected to face lower fish consumption rate per capita: Japan, Latin America, Europe, and Central Asia. References Allison, E. H. (2011). Aquaculture, fisheries, poverty and food security. Working Paper 2011–65. Penang: WorldFish Center. Google Sch...
National 2018 EBF levels varied broadly between countries in the regions of Central America and the Caribbean (8.2% (4.7–14.3%) in the Dominican Republic; 50.7% (40.3–61.7%) in Guatemala), Tropical South America (5.7% (3.2–9.6%) in Suriname; 32.4% (29.1–35.8%) in Paraguay), Central...
Let’s talk. Our clients are smart, thoughtful, & forward-thinking. Sound like you? Get in touch. First name* Last name* Company Email* How did you hear about us* What are your goals? Get expert-level insights direct from our CEO’s desk. ...
move out of their nesting range, typically in North America’s boreal forest. The birds leave the vast, wild expanse of forest, tundra and wetlands that span the width of Canada and Alaska to spend the winter farther south than normal. The irruption occurs because of changes in food supply...
land expansion, increasing CO2emissions from LUC, leading to similar outcomes as well documented cases in South America100. We caution therefore that more work is needed to evaluate the risk for these outcomes. For evaluating these outcomes, consequential LCA is more suitable than the attributional ...
(CWANA), Europe, America and Australia. Because of increase in urbanization and the change in food habits, the demand for wheat is rising every year across the different regions including Eastern and Southern Africa (5.8%), West and Central Africa (4.7%) and South Asia and Pacific (4.3%)...