Sex differences in animal prey intake were revealed by fecal analysis among wild chimpanzees of the large-sized M-group (ca. 100 members) in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania: prime adult or old males feed more on vertebrates, while adult females more on Camponotus ants. By contras...
Innovation frequency is also associated with relative forebrain size in Australia and, to a lesser extent, in New-Zealand; in Australia, parrots show the high frequency of innovations predicted by their large forebrain, but yield no innovations in the New Zealand sample. The forebrain/innovation ...
Little is known about the ecology of the rare and vulnerable Bhutan takin Budorcas taxicolor whitei, a large and basically forest-dwelling goat-antelope inhabiting mountain valleys in northern Bhutan. In Tsharijathang valley (3800 m asl)... S Takatsuki - 《Journal Mammalogical Society of Japan》...
A burger buffet creates a fabulous set-up for entertaining any size of group, including those with a diversity of food preferences. Three recipes from JeanMarie Brownson provide a rich base for your burger bar: Salt and Pepper Grilled Burgers, Bacon-y Caramelized Onions and Mushrooms, and Roas...
Effects of level of lysine in feeds, dry or wet feeding systems (whey or water), raising in a single-sex or mixed group and grouping routines prior to slaughter on carcass characteristics and backfat skatole concn. were investigated in 1528 crossbred entire male, female and castrated pigs (...
Distribution of activity over the light period was affected: group B and C showed more activity above the feeder and water container outside the feeding time, and showed a large bout of locomotor and feeding activity at the start of this period. Both overall weight gain and gross energy ...
James,A.,Kenny 摘要: The effect of pregnancy and lactation on the sexual behavior of women was studied, using a retrospective questionnaire answered by a nonrandom sample of 33 women. Sexual functioning was operationally defined by four categories: desire, frequency, enjoyment, and orgasm. Five ...
Lerps are also a major food item of pardalotes, and consequently these birds are attacked frequently by honeyeaters, especially in winter and spring. Up to 5% of daylight time and 9% of energy expended may be wasted by pardalotes escaping from honeyeaters. This susceptibility to attack ...
In our study, we investigated the influence of the quality of social bonds, rank differences, grouping age and presence of horns on two types of social distances: (1) the distance goats choose freely at feeding when they have the option of keeping a large distance between each other; (2)...