This paper describes the results of a preliminary study concerned with the effect of FeedForward (FF) on the accuracy of predictions in dynamic battle situations. FF, given in the form of expert advice prior to simulated battle, did not reliably improve predictions. Exploratory analyses, however,...
The effect of feedback consistency and feedforward consistency (number of homophones and consistency) on reading and writing of Chinese in school-aged children 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 44 作者:Nagi, Kar-man,魏嘉雯 摘要: A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements ...
As far as my knowledge is concerned, the most elegant definition of feedback and feedforward is: If the control portion introduces aloopto the dynamic system, we can call this feedback (control); otherwise, it is called feedforward (control). Loop, in effect, is the core of feedback. ...
Experiments designed to measure a residual effect of consequences exhibit an inevitable ex post facto error that vitiates all possible versions of this experimental design. Experiments designed to measure the effect of predictive contingency in Pavlovian conditioning exhibit a corresponding error. There ...
土壤生物受资源的时空异质性、营养的可获得性以及非生物因素的选择性所驱动,通过直接作用于根系,或通过改变养分的矿化速率及其在土壤中的空间分布,改变植物根际的激素状况以及土壤环境等间接作用方式,对地上生物产生正、负反馈作用。 更多例句>> 5) feedback effect ...
8.Study on compensating effect and optimizing methods of ship-sway feedforward control船摇前馈控制补偿效果及优化方法研究 9.Simulation on Vehicle Stability Control System Based on Feedforward and Feedback Compensator一种基于前馈—反馈补偿控制的车辆稳定性控制系统仿真 10.An improved filtered x-LMS algorit...
Experimental determination of the effect of feedforward control on trajectory tracking errors 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者:C An,CG Atkeson,JM Hollerbach 摘要: Trajectory tracking errors resulting from the application of various controllers have been experimentally determined on the MIT Serial ...
and the effect of relevant measurements T 2 R Vm R F FC T 2 sp R V sp Steam Process Fluid Condensate c p , R F , T 1 T 1 H V , R V Nonlinear FFC Nonlinear Steady-State Feedforward Control Simulation (Please see …/FFControl/ExHeaterStaticFFC.mdl) Comparison of Feedfo...
The K-effect still dominated in the region between exclusively V-effect and exclusively K-effect, and it is only in this region that the cooperative binding of FBP and Pi and the Pi-inhibition of FBP-binding had any visible effect. 展开 ...
For accurate feedforward control, steady-state or dynamic analysis should be the basis for models that relate the effect of the manipulated and disturbance variable on the controlled variable. Since the model is an approximation and not all disturbances are measured, feedforward control should always...