If it isn’t, perhaps you and your colleague on the receiving end would appreciate it more if you spent a little time thinking through what you are trying to say and how you are going to get that message across. Think about the location of the feedback, how it is going to be receive...
"Jessica, I want to thank you for your unwavering support during the challenging times we've faced recently. Your positive attitude and willingness to help others have made a significant difference. I'm grateful to have you as a colleague!" 6. Acknowledgment of Leadership "Alex, I wanted to...
“I just want to say that the team feels your collaborative spirit and willingness to support your peers. Thank you for making working as a group that much easier. We’re lucky to have you as a colleague!” Acknowledging when employees work well with their peers encourages teamwork and reinf...
How to ask for feedback in an email Many of us are now working remotely, which can make seeking effective feedback more difficult. For one, we may not be able to walk over to our colleague’s desk to request their time. Second, with a lack of in-person time, we must now request ...
How to address it:“In your next presentation, try using more visuals to highlight key points.” Planning for the future:“This can help make complex information clearer and keep the audience engaged throughout. Practicing with a colleague beforehand might also help you feel more confident and ...
Peer-to-peer feedback is exchanged between employees. To avoid sounding demeaning or too personal, colleague feedback should give examples of when the employee’s actions have led to a positive impact on the team so the employee can feel confident repeating them. Peer feedback is important for...
If you’re still unsure how your boss will respond to your feedback, try putting yourself in their shoes. Imagine the situation is reversed. How would you react if your colleague or subordinate gave you the same feedback? Would you be angry or grateful that someone pointed this out?
When giving a colleague feedback, setting the right context from the beginning is important. Make it clear that the purpose of the discussion is to have a productive conversation aimed at mutual growth and learning, rather than criticism. Be as specific as possible. Instead of generalizing, refe...
What do you think about co-presenting with a colleague next time to ease into it? Type: Positive Feedforward (Future-Oriented) 13. Conflicting Priorities Scenario: An employee struggles to manage multiple project priorities. Feedback: Managing several projects can be overwhelming. Let's prioritize...
What do you think would be different about communicating this feedback to your colleague through conversation versus in writing? Would the method you choose depend on whether the feedback was positive or negative, specific or general? Consider how you would react if you were the o...