Feedback regulation (Science: physiology)controlmechanismthat uses the consequences of aprocessto regulate the rate at which theprocessoccurs: if, for example: theproductsof a reactioninhibitthe reaction from proceeding (or slow down the rate of the reaction), then there isnegative feedback, someth...
andMolecularBiology,PekingUniversityHealthScienceCenter,Beijing100191andthe § TianjinMedicalUniversity, Tianjin300070,China Thep53tumorsuppressorplaysacentralroleinintegrating cellularresponsestovariousstresses.Tightregulationofp53 isthusessentialforthemaintenanceofgenomeintegrityand ...
Feedback regulation of the heat-shock response in E. coli. Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. Dec. Control. 837–842.Kurata H, El-Samad H, Yi TM, Khamash M, Doyle J (2001) Feedback regulation of the heat shock response in e.coli. In: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE conference on decision and ...
Identifying the mechanism of intercellular feedback regulation is critical for the basic understanding of tissue growth control in organisms. In this paper, we analyze a tissue growth model consisting of a single lineage of two cell types regulated by negative feedback signalling molecules that undergo...
The idea that thymocytopoiesis may be suject to feedback regulation by mature lymphocytes is proposed on the basis of recent data from in vitro experimental models. Analysis of the data using mathematical models, presented here by Ramit Meher and colleagues, suggests possible feedback control mechan...
Previous work has demonstrated that expression of the murine CYP7A1 gene is regulated by LXRα in vivo (Peet et al. 1998b). However, despite the widespread expression of LXRα, the LXR-dependent regulation of CYP7A1 by oxysterols is liver specific. Analysis of the 5′-flanking regions of...
Journal of Molecular BiologyCole, J. R., C. L. Olsson, J. W. Hershey, M. Grunberg-Manago, and M. Nomura. 1987. Feedback regulation of rRNA synthesis in Eschenchia coli: requirement for initiation factor IF2. J. Mol. Biol. 198:383-392....
Single yeast cells vary in transcription activity not in delay time after a metabolic shift Anne Schwabe Frank J. Bruggeman Nature Communications(2014) Gene network requirements for regulation of metabolic gene expression to a desired state Jan Berkhout ...
Control of cell number by Drosophila FOXO: downstream and feedback regulation of the insulin receptor pathway The Drosophila insulin receptor (dInR) regulates cell growth and proliferation through the dPI3K/dAkt pathway, which is conserved in metazoan organisms. He......
Evidence indicates that both of these regulators of the reductase may be essential for the growth of mammalian cells in culture. The multivalent feedback regulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A reductase, together with secondary regulatory changes in other enzymes of the sterol synthetic ...