This study revealed that there are multiple motivations for peers providing feedback, and they are distinct from general attitudes about peer feedback. This suggests a new framework for research on students' reaction to peer feedback, suggesting productive avenues for improving student participation in...
Furthermore, qualitative data suggests that most students felt that the content and quality of the feedback they received from peers improved their own teaching and the experience of evaluating a peer was valuable as well.doi:10.1080/01626620.1999.10462971Rauch, Kristin...
To put this in context, we conducted a large-scale study with 1,000 university students from across the U.S. to better understand student experience and how these perceptions differed between students and administrators. Of note, researchers found that the largest gaps between university students a...
Prior research on peer assessment often overlooks how much students learn from providing feedback to peers. By practicing revision skills, students might strengthen their ability to detect, diagnose, and solve writing problems. However, both reviewer ability and the quality of the peers' texts affect...
between peers and teachers. Preparing students well is also emphasised by these and other studies (Wilson 2002, Orsmond et al. 2002, Mills and Glover 2006) that emphasise the value of training students in the underlying pedagogy and producing clear and understandable assessment criteria (Brown 2001...
Peer feedback activities are characterized by peers performing both roles of feedback provider and receiver, and peers are found to benefit from both roles. However, in current feedback literacy studies, the emphasis has been overwhelmingly given to students' understandings, capacities and dispositions...
The power of peers Peer feedbackhas been acknowledged as a powerful contributor to effective learning as it enhances collaboration, understanding, and students' motivation. However, the effect of peer feedback can be either positive or negative depending on how it is designed and facilitated [1]....
Preparing your intent for giving feedback is also crucial.Research showsthat students who were told by their teachers that they had “very high expectations” but that they knew the students could reach them were more likely to revise their essays compared to those who weren’t. This framing ...
Move on from whole class discussions to providing essays with feedback to students in small groups and have them evaluate the intent and purpose of the specific feedback examples and how a writer could/should respond to that feedback. Make sure that students come back to the whole group to ...
30May2015 ÓSpringerScience+BusinessMediaDordrecht2015 AbstractPriorresearchonpeerassessmentoftenoverlookshowmuchstudentslearn fromprovidingfeedbacktopeers.Bypracticingrevisionskills,studentsmightstrengthen theirabilitytodetect,diagnose,andsolvewritingproblems.However,bothreviewer abilityandthequalityofthepeers’texts...