Sometimes you can directly phrase your feedback as a question to simply open the conversation and put the ball in your manager’s court. For example, if you want to have a candid conversation about needing more support, you can simply ask if they think there are enough resources in place ...
Manager andemployee feedbackis an important part of any thriving company culture. If you have a professional, thoughtful manager, they should welcome any constructive feedback that allows for improvement. Team dynamics usually start from the top down, so the better your higher-ups perform, the be...
Ahead of the meeting, put "Requesting Feedback on X Project" (or whatever you are targeting feedback for) directly on the 1-on-1 agenda you share with your manager. Here is an example of a message for requesting feedback from your manager: “Hi Joe - I’d like your feedback on my...
Here are some examples of feedback for your manager: 22. Ask for further guidance Could we book more regular one-on-one meetings? I’d appreciate your guidance and your advice has helped me achieve great results in the past. 23. Express stress or concern I enjoy working here, but...
Become a pro at asking for feedback (and receiving it) How to handle a micromanaging boss without losing your job How to give feedback using this 4-step framework How to give negative feedback to a manager, with examples Start, Stop, Continue: How to implement this retrospective model ...
For example, when requesting feedback from your manager, you could say: “You asked me to help the team be more efficient (context), and I decided to try implementing Slack to engage the team more outside of email (observation), the team is spending less time on email but more time co...
Whether you're a manager giving constructive criticism or a coworker offering feedback on a project, communicating effectively can help you and your team achieve better results.无论您是提出建设性批评的经理还是就项目提供反馈的同事,有效的沟通都可以帮助您和您的团队取得更好的结果。However, when you ...
Thus, upward feedback is critical for organizations to survive and thrive in times of uncertainty and change. When to give manager feedback 1. When things are going well Giving your manager positive and constructive feedback (they probably rarely receive it) will encourage them to continue with...
Don’t let your manager play a guessing game—clearly state your intention. For example, you may say: My intent is to find better ways to communicate so that we can avoid communication gaps. My intent is to find the best possible solution. I want to discuss how we can encourage more di...
Treat your manager as a coach not a judge. 例子是当你有一些想法你可以直接问manager的意见,而不是怕露怯。 "Can i walk you through my thinking and get your advice?" 你也可以直接问manager要机会和feedback在你想提高的地方。 “I am working on making sure my point is clear in the first 30...