Nicole has loved animals of all sizes her whole life so it's no wonder she hasdedicated her careerto helping them through what she loves best: learning, writing, and sharing knowledge with others. She’s the proud mom oftwo dogs, a cat, and a human. With a degree in Education and 15...
My kiddos love these feed the animals activities to practice their letters and early sounds. It’s benefited creating a sight word memory bank :) Reply Maria Wells says: April 30, 2023 at 2:12 pm Thank you for this resource. This will be a great addition to our All About Reading....
Abattoirs owned by vertically-integrated Australian and multinational corporations steadily bar smallholder from access to slaughter, meaning we are on the cusp of losing small-scale family farms, local butchers, and access to any local meat from animals raised on pasture. (Take these out of rural...
Environmental volunteering refers to the volunteers who contribute towards environmental management or conservation. Volunteers conduct a range of activities including environmental monitoring , ecological restoration such as re-vegetation and weed removal, protecting endangered animals, and educating others about...