Thanks Rich, Furman English Jacksonville, Florida Date: 15 Jan 2004 Time: 08:28:39 Remote User: Comments Hi I have an Ibanez JS1 which I am trying to date and verify model etc the serial number is j000862. I have tried emailing you Rich but the link doesnt appear to work. i ...
Ronald Call From Jacksonville,Fl 10/25/2012 I have purchased brass from you in the past and I am just giving you a heads up on quality, which I know from experience is the best. My son Ricky Call just purchased 500 .357 Mag brass , for me and I have just full length sized 53 ca...
PMAustin, TX Flight Instructor Great Scores! Just took the FIA and AGI this last weekend and did great on them both in minimal time again. Excellent software! Brandon F 96% on the Commercial Pilot Airplane Exam! 96%! Really mad at myself too, because for three of the four questio...