feed-in tariff Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 feed动— 料动 · 饲动 · 食动 · 进料动 · 进给动 · 喂动 · 送料动 · 哺动 · 喂食动 · 养活动 · 进纸动
Solar PV has been given the highest rate of payment and so for the majority of people it is the best option. The exact amounts available for the different sizes of PV systems are detailed below: Feed-in Tariff Rates Table These feed-in tariff rates are paid for each unit of electricity...
Globally, feed-in tariffs (FITs), also known as 'advanced renewable tariffs' (ARTs) or 'renewable energy payments' (REPs) in North America, have gone from strength to strength. Such schemes pay renewable energy producers a set rate (tariff) for each unit of electricity fed into the grid,...
FeedIn Tariff, Net Zero Energy, architecture, business development, conferences, education, information, marketing, resources, Solar Cogeneration and Solar Trigeneration energy systems
Globally, feed-in tariffs (FITs), also known as 'advanced renewable tariffs' (ARTs) or 'renewable energy payments' (REPs) in North America, have gone from strength to strength. Such schemes pay renewable energy producers a set rate (tariff) for each unit of electricity fed into the grid,...
Define feed-in tariff. feed-in tariff synonyms, feed-in tariff pronunciation, feed-in tariff translation, English dictionary definition of feed-in tariff. n a payment above the market rate paid to a small-scale producer of renewable energy by a large ene
Cost of solar power is rapidly declining. However, Pakistan's NEPRA's attempt to cut tariff down from 14.15 cents to 9.25 cents per unit is being resisted strongly by Zonergy Company Limited, a Chinese company working on Quaid-e-Azam solar park power project, according to a story inExpress...
A feed-in tariff is a performance-based solar incentive. Learn more about what they are and how they can help increase solar adoption.
In contrast to ongoing cautious and gloomy economic forecasting in the national economy, the growth in micro-generation capacity has been 400% since the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) was launched in April last year. Solar PV has led the way with an increase of 900% and wind and hydro have double...
feed in 输入| 引入线 | 输出 | 饲料中 Feed-In Tariff 上网电价补贴政策 | 上网电价 | 上网电价补贴 | 收购补助 feed rate 进给率 | 进料速度 feed screw 进给螺杆 | 进料螺杆 | 螺旋送料机 | 进给丝杆 feed system 浇注系统 | 供胶方式 | 供料方式 hand feed 手进给 | 手工馈送 | 人工...